High Hopes - Belize Sailing Vacations High Hopes - Belize Sailing Vacations

High Hopes

“BSV actively supports the preservation and regeneration of our natural wonder.”Rachael Wilson

Aside from being the “rainforests of the sea,” Coral Reefs are home to the most stunningly diverse and valuable ecosystems on the planet! They are vital to life on earth as they:

  • protect coastlines from the damaging effects of wave action and tropical storms
  • provide habitats and shelter for many marine organisms, including spawning and juvenile fish
  • are the course of nitrogen and other essential nutrients for marine food chains
  • generate revenue for economies and local communities from fishing and tourism
  • provide food: more corals = more fish!
The Belize Barrier Reef is the largest living reef in the world. Together with three of the four atolls found in the Caribbean, this vast network provides tremendous livelihoods, revenues, and food for Belizeans via fishing and marine-based tourism. Without it would be catastrophic, and, sadly, it is at risk due to disease, pollution, warming sea temperatures, and human interaction.

Our dear friends at Fragments of Hope – a local NGO based on the golden shores of the highly sought-After Placencia Peninsula – focus on coral reef restoration and advocate for the sustainable management of associated habitats. Their mission is to re-seed devastated reefs with genetically robust, diverse, and resilient corals and, simultaneously, begin to understand the biology and mechanisms of coral bleaching.

BSV and Rachael, our wonder woman passionate about the environment and keen on making an impact in conservation, were invited to collaborate on their most recent project.

To be considered for such a worthy cause was a great honor and privilege! By gifting them a crewed catamaran for five days, we provided accommodations for the entire team, which enabled them to have a home- and project-base as close to their underwater fieldwork as possible. With the support of our sister company Absolute Belize, who gifted the fuel and provisions, the mission was a raving success! Highlights included:

  • outplanted the oldest corals and reloaded four nursery tables with multiple new genets (prolifera and staghorn) in the Caye Caulker and Hol Chan Marine Reserves
  • completed a full day of Elkhorn micro fragging
  • outplanted a total of 426 hybrid and 941 staghorn fragments in one day!
  • brought together key players from both reserves, geology students, international environmental professors, and members of the private sector
  • Rachael made lunch for 24 people… on a boat!

Join us for another storytime as we sail off to Laughing Bird Caye National Park during the coral spawning in August for our next mission!